
First of all, we cannot choose a place of birth and the environment by ourselves. It means we have to take action with a will of our own in order to change the circumstance. It's necessary and important for us to be aware of how we want to be or what actually we want to do in life.

For me, I was born in the country, there was a few classmate, located in the north of Japan. And I grew up under the typical propaganda in the country, having a successful life is to enter public university and be public officer or work for big company.
Of course, to enter public university and be public officer or work for big company is good. What I would like to point out here is a possibility of having a narrow view of things and lack of think for myself caused by limited options.

I cannot forget the impact shock when I join the first company and witness a real society. There was the community consist of the staff from top private universities, who has study abroad experience or returnee. The environment gave me a terrific shock how I have a narrow view of things and realized I'd been in the very very small world. However, I was able to make every effort to absorb many things as much as possible because of the ashamed experiences. Then, I've been growing and currently able to challenge for the future with a will of my own. Fortunately, I got a chance which is able to find what I want to do and change myself in 30s. But it would be never too soon to get the chance because the life is only one time and limited.

In my experiences such as working abroad, changing the carrier from trading company to real estate company and establishing my own company, I could have wider view and accumulated valuable know-how. So I reflect these experiences and know-how in my business, and then I focus on committing our mission "Feel a little bit positive than ever before" and creating a chance of awareness.
Note; The important thing for the mission is the degree of "a little bit". Being positive is good but mental balance is more important, I think. Keeping a mental balance, beside accumulating "a little bit positive". It creates compound interest effects, then we could make colorful life on a long-term basis. This is what our company aims for.

We really appreciate if you could give us a continuous support and encouragement.

Brief Summary of CEO History







